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Parsha |
Date |
Sponsor |
HaAzinu | 10/5 | Yanovksy Family, Bloomstone Family |
Sukkot Day 1 | 10/17 | Boris Jacobson in memory of Dovid ben Shlomo |
Sukkot Day 2 | 10/18 | Whiteman Family in honor of Am Yisrael |
Sukkot Shabbat | 10/19 | Lockie Milner |
Shmini Atzeret eve | 10/23 | |
Shmini Atzeret Day | 10/24 | Naggar Family |
Simchas Torah eve | 10/24 | Cywiak Family |
Simchas Torah Day | 10/25 | Belz Family |
Beraishit | 10/26 | A.Y. Green |
Noach | 11/2 | Yanovsky Family |
Lech Lecha | 11/9 | Canner/Jacobson family in commemoration of Meora bas Mordechai's 16th Yartzeit |
Vayeira | 11/16 | |
Chayei Sara | 11/23 | |
Toldot | 11/30 | |
Vayeitze | 12/7 | Boris Jacobson in memory of his mother, Genya bas Abram a”h |
Vayishlach | 12/14 | Zar Family to celebrate Deena and Eitan’s engagement! |
Vayeishev | 12/21 | Avraham Yaakov (Peter) Salzman, and by Avraham Yitzhak (Art) Green |
Miketz | 12/28 | Boris Jacobson in memory of Chana bas David |
Vayigash | 1/4 | |
Vayechi | 1/11 | |
Shemot | 1/18 | Lockie Milner in honor of his father's yahrzeit, Yechiel Yitzchak ben Avraham Tzvi Milner a"h |
Va'eira | 1/25 | Yanovsky family marking the conclusion of Kaddish for Shmuel Ben Shimon and Alexander Ben Chaim, and marking the Yahrzeit of Ephraim’s grandmother Esther bas Ephraim. |
Bo | 2/1 | Friends of Chabad in honor of Yud Shvat |
B'Shalach | 2/8 |
Sponsored by The Handler, Dayanim and Zar Families: In honor of Zachary Halpern |
Yisro | 2/15 | |
Mishpatim | 2/22 | Netanel ben Abraham |
Teruma | 3/1 | Boris Jacobson |
Tetzave | 3/8 | Lockie Milner in honor of the Yahrzeit of Roz Milner ah |
Ki Tisa | 3/15 | |
Vaykhel | 3/22 | |
Pekudei | 3/29 | |
Vayikra | 4/5 | |
Tzav | 4/12 | |
Day 1 Pesach | 4/13 | Boris Jacobson |
Day 2 Pesach | 4/14 | |
Shvii Shel Pesach | 4/19 | |
Shemini | 4/26 | |
Tazria-Metzora | 5/3 | |
Acharei-Kedoshim | 5/10 | |
Emor | 5/17 | |
Behar-Bechukotai | 5/24 | |
Bamidbar | 5/31 |