We look forward to your "username and password" request and to your participation!!
Mishloach Manot Deadline to order is Thursday, March 14.
Mishloach Manot Gift Baskets-Sign up today to participate. Chabad of Newton Centre will be preparing Mishloach Manot-Purim gift packages to be delivered to the members of the community. This is a great opportunity for you to participate in this special Purim Mitzvah as well as wonderful community building project!! You select families from our member list that you would like to receive a Shalach Manot Package & your name will be included on a card that accompanies the gift. Each member will receive ONE package with any greetings they received.
Participate in the special Mitzvah & unique opportunity by logging onto: www.ChabadNewton.com/purimproject and entering your unique username and password - for this info please email [email protected] . If you prefer not to use the website, please email the Chabad office to request a form. Payment can be made on the website or by check, made out to Chabad of Newton Centre – 32 Loring Street, Newton Centre MA 02459
DEADLINE: All submissions must be received by Thursday, March 14.
PRICING: The cost for each selection is $12.
SHUL CATEGORY: You will have the option to sign your name on all of the 'Shul' category for the special price of $250.
RECIPROCITY: Reciprocity option is available for $5 per greeting. You will be given a chance to view the list before being charged.
EXTRA PACKAGES: Can be ordered for $25 each, these can be picked up at Chabad.
DELIVERY: If you are able to help deliver the Mishloach Manot on, Thu/Fri/Sun (March 21/22/24) please email
[email protected] . Drivers are needed to deliver the packages in a timely & organized fashion.
For additional information, please contact [email protected]